
Thank you for considering 沃拉沃拉大学 学生s and alumni for opportunities in your organization. Whether you are searching for interns or seeking to fill part-time and full-time career positions, we can effectively help you recruit and hire a diverse pool of extremely qualified candidates and greatly increase your company’s visibility. 雇主是大学的宝贵资源. Check out some ways you can start to build collaborative partnerships with us!

2024秋季职业生涯 & 研究生会

2024年10月17日星期四上午11点.m. - 1:00 p.m.

学生 of all majors will be attending our annual Career and 研究生会. 职业活动带给雇主, 世界水大的学生和校友聚在一起交流, 招聘和行业教育. 只要有可能, we encourage participating organizations to bring alumni to this event to connect with fellow Walla Walla University 学生s and share their experiences.

篇幅限于50个雇主组织. 雇主可以 在握手时注册参加 2024年8月开始. Registered organizations will each have a table with a tablecloth and signage with their name. 提供午餐. 的 出席的费用是50美元 每一个组织.

的 学生发展中心 at 沃拉沃拉大学 requires all organizations participating in our campus recruiting program (e.g., 工作/实习职位, on-campus events such as interviews and information sessions, 聚会, (招聘会)遵守澳门线上博彩官网招聘政策. Registering for an event or other recruiting activity means that you have read and agree to the terms of our Recruiting policies. 

报名费于下午5时后恕不退还.m. 2024年10月4日,太平洋标准时间. 取消申请必须以书面形式发送至 学生.development@yingla.net

招募沃拉沃拉大学的学生 & 校友

注册澳门线上博彩官网的免费在线招聘系统, 握手, where you’ll find 沃拉沃拉大学 学生s and alumni to fill open positions at your organization. 开始吧 注册雇主账户 to post positions, search for resumes, schedule interviews, and register for our career fairs. 

研究生 & 职业活动

的 学生发展中心 hosts multiple graduate fairs and career events throughout the school year. 澳门线上博彩官网的年度活动是秋季职业生涯 & 十月的研究生招聘会,以及春季就业见面会 & 四月问候. 欲知更多详情和最新消息,请 查看澳门线上博彩官网即将举办的活动.


We welcome recruitment visits any time during academic terms. 访问s should be scheduled at least three weeks in advance to ensure best results. 的 学生发展中心 will coordinate your visit and schedule any interviews in accordance to your preferences. 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请发电子邮件 career@yingla.net 或致电(509)527-2313.


  • 一般简介会建议在面试前的晚上使用. A session gives you the opportunity to discuss your organization with potential interviewees and other interested 学生s, 以及回答常见的问题. 演示工具,如电脑, 投影仪, 并可应要求提供视听设备.
  • 采访: Employers may reserve the 员工关系 Suite for job interviews. Our office can assist with scheduling 学生 appointments if requested.
  • 搁置事件: Recruiter information tables are a convenient way for your company to share information and career opportunities with 学生s in an informal setting walk-by setting. Employers may request approval for a location in an academic department or outside the Cafeteria.
  • 类访问: 访问s to classes can reach 学生s in a relevant field of study. Five minute introductions and presentations are the least disruptive to classes. Due to the requirement of prior permission from the professor, class visits should be requested at least two months in advance. 


Starting an internship at your organization is a great way to share knowledge with tomorrows leaders, while increasing the productivity and capacity of your business. Volunteer to conduct mock interviews and provide feedback to 学生s, 提供实习经验, or host an on-site visit of your workplace to offer 学生s an up close and personal view of your staff’s daily activities.


This program provides 学生s with the opportunity to experience the workplace up close and personal. Employers plan an interactive on-site program where 学生s will be able to:

  • 从内部人士的角度了解你的公司
  • Meet key personnel and find out skills needed to be successful in the field
  • 观察员工的日常活动, 讨论具体的工作和职业, 有时获得有限的实践经验
  • 参观一下你的工厂
  • 吃完午饭,开始建立自己的职业关系网


的 Job Shadow Program provides 学生s the opportunity to explore occupations of interest to them. 学生 will be paired with a professional employed in their prospective occupation and will shadow them at their place of employment. 学生 participating in this program will be able to:

  • Interact with professionals and learn skills needed to be successful in that occupation
  • Take a behind the scene look at daily work activities involved in that occupation
  • 提升他们的学术经验
  • 与专业人士建立网络和关系


This is a great opportunity for employers and alumni to volunteer to share their industry and career expertise with WWU 学生s. 学生 get a chance to practice their interviewing skills, become familiar with commonly asked questions and to receive feedback about their interviewing style. This also provides employers an opportunity to build their brand on-campus and gain additional exposure to 沃拉沃拉大学 学生s. Employers and 校友 ccan volunteer to conduct 30 minute long interviews (15 minutes for the interview; 15 minutes for feedback) which are conducted in the 学生发展中心.